Happy New Year and Very Best Wishes for 2021
Thank you for your news and greetings.
Did you think you were forgotten?
Being Ignored?
‘Course Not!
Late for Christmas
but just in time for
the last day of 2020.
I should think nearly everyone will be glad to see the back of this year and have hopes for a much better year ahead.
While I hope for good health, happy times and financial comfort for everyone, I can’t complain.
This year So many have suffered sorely and worked so hard and they have had a much harder time than I.
I just stay at home and get on with work on the computer, enjoy my studio and – in clement weather – the garden.
I hope your experience has not been too bad either and that you feel optimistic and cheerful as the new year begins.

Computer Bust Email Excuses
Before Christmas my computer was playing up.
Unfortunately, it gave up entirely soon afterwards.

But I was able to back up everything! (I hope nothing was left out).
After much agonising over the cost of a new computer, I got the credit card out and upped the limit…
I ordered a new one which arrived before Christmas! I’ve been setting it up, reinstalling software and finding the licences etc. all through Christmas.
I missed much emailing among the family and email Christmas greetings were not sent to friends.
Everything went on hold including our customary walk on Dartmoor, but it was awful weather so …
It’s very lucky timing really – happening while little is expected of me!
Installing things I need for jobs is taking ages and some software can’t be transferred so has to be bought again, but now I have set up enough to be able to use email comfortably.
Looking forward to delightful conversations and exchanges again, so do keep in touch!
Happy New Year, Christina! I hope that 2021 brings you much happiness, besides safety and health!
I liked your Christmas cards and have ordered a pack, for use in 11 months’ time!
All the best
Thank you Yuuichiro! I wish you lots of happy times too, and hope you keep safe and well.
Delighted you like my cards; how sweet of you to buy some! I’ll send them soon as soon can be.