New Artworks in Acrylic and Watercolour

Artworks Painted in Acrylics and Watercolours

Visits to the Devon countryside inspire me to make paintings, and will be featured in current paintings in Acrylic and Watercolour.

There are paintings that were made as a result of my travels that have never before graced the pages of my website. Some paintings were on show in exhibitions and were sold, and some have stayed in my studio packed away and hidden from view.

With the re-design of my website done and the addition of new material underway it is time to liberate my Devon Series from obscurity and inflict them on the web-surfing public. So, the paintings themselves are not new but they will be new to anyone who did not see the relevent Exhibitions where they were on view.

Anyone who has visited Devon in the South-West of England will know that it offers infinite feasts for the eye with rolling hills and dramatic coasts. The moors each have a look all of their own and the towns, markets and villages are a delight.

These two series of paintings are mainly of the landscape, not always completed on the spot. I refer to vivid memories of the places I have been as well as sketches and notes made at the time.

Life is such that I am frequently ill-equipped to paint when I see something that touches me – indeed I don’t always recognise that I have been touched at the time. It comes back later and demands attention.

I do take photographs when out and about, but the photos I take are rarely of the scene I am painting. However, looking through them will often trigger a desire to make a painting.

Most of these paintings will be available as Giclée Prints on Archival paper.

There are quite a number – they will all be added in due course!